Driving larger exits through design

Design leadership

Product design


  • Owned the design of our entire product range and site
  • Coded our site from scratch
  • Helped code the front-end for all our apps... before ChatGPT 🤯


Creating a brand from scratch

Being the first designer on the team, I was tasked with not only designing our apps and our site, but also creating our branding from scratch.


Creating a brand from scratch

Being the first designer on the team, I was tasked with not only designing our apps and our site, but also creating our branding from scratch.


Understanding what drives exits

I spent a lot of time trying to understand the various parties and processes involved in large transactions like IPOs, acquisitions, and divestitures to inform my design and branding for Fulcrum, a tiny internal startup at a big 4 M&A firm.


Defining the solution

I did a lot of work to create our discovery and feature opportunity validation process. I also created user research assets which helped us understand where our apps fit into our users’ world.


Exploring solutions

This is one of the few projects where I took pictures of super rough, early sketches. I used sketches like this, in the midst of conversations with stakeholders, to help us work through what a possible solution might entail.


Exploring solutions

This is one of the few projects where I took pictures of super rough, early sketches. I used sketches like this, in the midst of conversations with stakeholders, to help us work through what a possible solution might entail.


Making our ideas real

At Fulcrum, I did design work but I also did a lot of front-end development. I both designed and coded our site as well as helped code our suite of apps.


Making our ideas real

My early sketches were not saved for this project, however, the following are exercepts from the wireframes and prototypes I created to help realize our vision.


Assessing and improving performance

  • Ethnographic interviews
  • Reading about the domain
  • Informal usability tests

In terms of evaluating the success of our apps, we spent a lot of time testing our own products, talking to customers, and building a strong mental model of their problems so we could bring intelligently cultivated taste to bear to solve them.


Designing digital health for Northwestern Medicine